About our Authors
We are very proud of the authors of our learning materials. Through their disciplined research and dedication to applying behavioral science principles to the world of work, they have helped us to significantly enhance the quality of worklife for millions of people.
C. Leo Griffith, Ph.D.
Dr. Griffith received his Doctorate in Educational Psychology with emphasis in management and organizational behavior from Texas A & M University. Griffith is currently Manager - Management Development of the Defense Systems and Electronics Group within Texas Instruments, and Director of the Corporate Management Development Center. Prior to joining Texas Instruments, Dr. Griffith was Director of Training at Teleometrics.
Dr. Griffith received his Doctorate in Educational Psychology with emphasis in management and organizational behavior from Texas A & M University. Griffith is currently Manager - Management Development of the Defense Systems and Electronics Group within Texas Instruments, and Director of the Corporate Management Development Center. Prior to joining Texas Instruments, Dr. Griffith was Director of Training at Teleometrics.
Jay Hall, Ph.D.
For over 50 years Dr. Hall has devoted his energies and expertise to improving the quality and productivity of working relationships in all types of organizations. He is the author of numerous learning instruments, journal articles, and four books. In 1963 Hall received his Doctorate in Social Psychology from the University of Texas - Austin and is a member of the American Psychological Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the New York Academy of Science, and Sigma XI society for research scientists.
Jerry B. Harvey, Ph.D.
Dr. Harvey is currently Professor of Management Science at George Washington University in Washington, D C. He received a Doctorate in Social Psychology from the University of Texas - Austin. He has consulted in a variety of business, governmental, voluntary and religious organizations and has published articles in the fields of organizational behavior and education. In 1988 Dr. Harvey published The Abilene Paradox and Other Meditations of Management, and presently is exploring ethical, moral and spiritual issues of organizations.
James R. Hawker, Ph.D.
Dr. Hawker received his Doctorate in General-Experimental Psychology from the University of Texas - Austin and has served on the faculties of the University of Texas, the University of Pittsburgh, Washburn University of Topeka, and Lamar University. A licensed psychologist, Dr. Hawker is a member of numerous professional organizations and has published extensively in the area of human learning and training, and leadership dynamics. Dr. Hawker is formerly Director of Research for Teleometrics International Inc.
Jacob Jacoby, Ph.D.
Dr. Jacoby is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and is Past President of the American Psychological Association's Division of Consumer Psychology. Professor Jacoby has served on numerous editorial boards and his scholarly output includes more than 120 chapters and articles, ten monographs and books, and more than 150 talks at professional conferences. He is a consultant to governmental agencies, including the US Department of State, Department of Justice, F.D.A., and F.T.C. and has consulted with many of the Fortune 500 organizations.
James R. Terborg, Ph.D.
Dr. Terborg is Professor of Management and former Head of the Department of Management in the College of Business Administration at the University of Oregon. He received his Doctorate in Organizational Psychology from Purdue University in 1975 and has taught at the University of Illinois and the University of Houston. Professor Terborg is widely published in professional journals and is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society.
Martha S. Williams, Ph.D.
Dr. Williams' research is in management of public services and in promoting workforce quality and diversity. She has published articles concerning women's issues, including studies of women in management, work-family roles and women's careers. Dr. Williams has served as Texas State Coordinator of the American Council of Education, National Identification Program for Women in Higher Education and has taught graduate courses on Research Methods, Group Dynamics and Methods, Women in Administration, Organization Theory, and Organization Development.
J. Clifton Williams, Ph.D.
Dr. Williams is an Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Management from Baylor University where he held a number of administrative positions, including Chairman, Department of Psychology, Dean of the Graduate School, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Advisor to the President, and Vice President for Human Resources and Planning. He holds a Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from Purdue and in addition to publishing textbooks in organizational behavior and Industrial LED lighting and LED retrofit light bulbs general management he has published extensively in management development and served as a management consultant.