Achieving Manager Study

Teleometrics' breakthrough study that puts to rest the
age old question: Does a Validated Model for
Effective Leadership Exist?
Implications of the Achieving Manager Study
Using a database of thousands of leaders across many
industries, the Achieving Manager Study, is based in
solid science and shows definitively, the common
behavioral characteristics that the top achieving leaders
employ to set them apart from their lesser achieving colleagues. These leaders were most highly valued by their respective companies and were promoted faster and given the most responsibility for managing their organization's assets and people.
The Achieving Manager Study proves effective leadership is not accidental. There is a model for effective leadership that exists and it can be modeled by others through the Models for Management Program.
Summary of The Achieving Manager Study
• The study began in the mid 70's by Jay Hall, Ph.D. , the founder of Teleometrics.
• Starting with approximately 16,000 managers and 48,000 co-workers; today there are thousands more that have been added to the normaltive databases used in our learning instruments.
• Managers are divided into categories of "HIGH", "AVERAGE", and "LOW" achievers based on a "Managerial Achievement Quotient" (MAQ).
• Using our validated instruments, each manager is evaluated in terms of their unique behavioral characteristics including: Management Values, Employee Involvement, Communication Style, Motivation Style, Use of Power and Empowerment Style, and overall Leadership Style.
• Each manager is given a self-survey for each behavioral characteristic and data is also gathered from at least 3 of their immediate direct reports as feedback.
• THE RESULTS ARE ASTONISHING!!! The top achievers do indeed exhibit consistent behavioral characteristics across all aspects tested. More impressive is the fact that these leaders use these characteristics to create an environment of involvement, commitment, and creativity that propel their teams to new heights of achievement. How do they do it and what do they all have in common?
• Using the Achieving Manager as a Leadership Benchmark, we have developed a 7 module process whereby participants can model the same behavioral characteristics used by top achievers. For more information see the Models for Management Program.